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A day in the life of Ernst Kaps Pianoforte

Images of the Ernst Kaps main assembly, production & restoration centres in Loushe, Kirchhundemand, Fichtelgebirgethe & Byron Bay.

At 7.30am the Ernst Kaps pianoforte factory springs to life and doesn't rest until 5pm.  Here is a day in the life of Ernst Kaps Pianos.  Every process is precision managed by hand in the ancient tradition of piano making.  

No machinery replaces the important process of ensuring everthing goes where it should, then pianos and all their parts are tested and re-tested to ensure the longevity of  the reputation this prestigious brand has now enjoyed for 156 Years!

Above all, that your Ernst Kaps piano brings you joy, as well as something for you to be proud of and cherish for years to come...

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